Cust/Business Name:
Contact Name:
Customer #:
Would you like your sample to be entered into the Best Bud JHB 2021? (Yes/No):
Indoor, Greenhouse or Outdoor:
Address :
Sample Name/Description (How it will appear on the report) Sample Type:
Please note any information we should know here:
In accordance with the Law in South Africa, I am gifting one or more samples of cannabis to CannaLab for no remuneration with the understanding that any excess material after testing will either be destroyed, or donated. I understand that payment is made online before samples are dropped off at Pargo points, for submission to CannaLab. CannaLab receives payment for analysis of gifted samples. Results will not be reported until payment has been cleared. I confirm that the samples submitted are cultivated or produced in accordance with the law, and Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill.
By signing this document, I understand and accept CannaLab’s terms and conditions.